The King will reply, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” ~ Matthew 25:40.
The same citation twice in the same week...And I didn't plan it. Could there be a theme building?
This is a painful tale for me to recount, because it reminds me of just how imperfect I am, how often I still fail to live the Christian life to which I profess. It takes me down a peg or two, or 50.
Earlier this week I was in the City (The Big Apple, in case you were wondering) for a job interview. The position is in the development (fundraising) department of a wonderful nonprofit that works to turn around the lives of homeless men and women - what I once heard referred to as The Invisible New Yorkers (Noo Yawkuhs, if you prefer to use my Bronx accent). Homelessness and hunger are causes that I have been committed to since I was a very young man.
"This could be a great fit," I thought to myself as I made my way downtown to the organizations' SOHO offices. Outside the building I stopped to check my iPhone to ensure that I had arrived at the correct address. While standing there a homeless man approached me, with a beautiful smile, asking for some money.
I smiled back and turned him away with, "Sorry, man. I've been out of work since June. I haven't got a thing. But I will pray for you."
"Thanks," he replied. "I'll pray for you, too. Good luck."
"Thank you!"
I continued on to what I felt was a very good interview.
Last night I had a dream.
I was back on the corner of Broadway and West Houston Street and that same homeless gentleman approached me again, with that amazing smile. Gently, he reminded me of the $2.25 in my left trouser pocket, the sandwich I had made for my lunch that was in my right coat pocket and the trail mix bar in the other coat pocket.
Huh?! How could this guy know what was or wasn't in my pockets?
He quoted, "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
Then he hugged me and shuffled away.
God, how could I have missed you?!
He was not a chiding me, although He could (should) have. He was not angry with me, even though I had failed to serve this, one of His children in need. It was simply a loving and gentle reminder from Him that I did have something to share with this man. Something more that I had failed to acknowledge.
I arrived home with that $2.25 still in my pocket. Did I really need it?
It is not always important for me to try to help all the homeless, to solve each of Society's ills. All I need do is help just one of my brothers or sisters.
I will try to keep this lesson in mind, no in my heart, the next time God comes up to me on the street, or in the A&P parking lot, or in the fellowship hall of my church and asks me for help.
Reminder: if you have a prayer need, please click on the Share a Prayer? tab and send it my way. I will respond.
Have a
wonderful day!
Love אנגלית الإنجليزية
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