Matthew 24:40
I used to work for Covenant House, the largest provider of shelter and support services for homeless and runaway youth
in the country. I often heard our president, Sr. Mary Rose McGeady, share the quote below. Consider it not an indictment, but an exhortation.
A call to action.
An encouraging to share.
A challenge to make a difference. If even for just one person, one child made in God's image.
It stirs me still, especially during those times when I feel overwhelmed by the inequalities, the inconsistencies and the inadequacies of this world.
"On the street I saw a small girl
PS. I am trying to discover who wrote this quote. Once I have learned the author's identity I will update this quote.
A call to action.
An encouraging to share.
A challenge to make a difference. If even for just one person, one child made in God's image.
It stirs me still, especially during those times when I feel overwhelmed by the inequalities, the inconsistencies and the inadequacies of this world.
"On the street I saw a small girl
cold and shivering wearing a thin dress,
with little hope of a
decent meal.
I became angry and said to God,
"Why did you permit this?
Why don't you do something
about it?"
For a while God said nothing.
That night he replied
"I certainly did something
about it.
I made you."
- author unknown
Reminder: if you have a prayer need, please click on the Share a Prayer? tab and send it my way. I will respond.
Have a
wonderful day!
Love אנגלית الإنجليزية
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