Friday, December 5

Third Annual #GivingTuesday Raises $45.7 Million for Charity (Re-Posted from Mission Is Everything!)

‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ ~ Matthew 25:40

One of our obligations as children of a loving and merciful God is to be charitable.  By tithing at our places of worship, contributing money or giving our time in voluntarism, we are called to work toward helping those who are...
  • Disenfranchised 
  • Voiceless 
  • Powerless

In recent years a powerful movement that seeks to shine a light on philanthropy has gained incredible momentum, as you will see from the article (see below) that I shared today in one of my other blogs.  It is important that we take the message of #GivingTuesday and keep shining that light on it all through the year.

Well done, everyone!  Let's keep it going all through the year...

December 5, 2014

This year's #GivingTuesday activities raised a total of $45.7 million for charities, according to initial estimates tallied by the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy with support from the Case Foundation.

Based on contributions to nonprofits tracked by five donation processing platforms — BlackbaudDonorPerfectGlobalGiving,Network for Good, and Razoo — online donations made on December 2 totaled $34.9 million, while offline donations processed as of noon on December 3 amounted to an additional $10.8 million. Results for the day-long event are expected to increase substantially as offline donations are processed. Initial data indicate that the total amount raised during this year's event was up at least 63 percent over the estimated $28.09 million raised, primarily online, during last year's event. In addition, the number of donations processed this year is estimated to have increased at least 53 percent, while the average gift amount was estimated to be up 6 percent.

Launched in 2012 by the 92nd Street Y in New York City and the United Nations Foundation, #GivingTuesday has evolved into a global movement that counts fifteen thousand participating nonprofits and twenty thousand partner organizations. Driven largely by social media and online giving campaigns, this year's event saw the sharing of nearly seven hundred thousand tweets with the #GivingTuesday hashtag, an increase of 159 percent from 2013.

"Just as Cyber Monday and Black Friday are key indicators of consumer sentiment and economic health, this data on #GivingTuesday can serve as an indicator of the health of our giving economy," said Case Foundation co-founder and CEO Jean Case.

"It's encouraging that early results already indicate that Americans donated $45 million on #GivingTuesday this year, highlighting their commitment to making a difference in the lives of others," said Una Osili, director of research for the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. "As tremendous as that amount is, though, #GivingTuesday is not just about the money that is raised, it is also about people and nonprofits engaging with each other to improve the world. In just three short years, the number of people making contributions and the number and types of nonprofits of all sizes receiving those gifts has increased dramatically."

"Significant Growth in Online Giving Seen on #GivingTuesday 2014, Initial Data From Major Donation Processing Platforms Show." Indiana University Lilly School of Philanthropy Press Release 12/03/2014.Sheila Herrling"#GivingTuesday Moves From Campaign to Tradition." Case Foundation Blog Post12/03/2014.


Reminder: if you have a prayer need, please click on the Share a Prayer? tab and send it my way.  I will respond.

Have a wonderful day!

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